These 6 key points are fundamental in having any chance of getting a response or call back from design studios or agencies. I've made them brief and straight to the point and will have many other posts that discusses each area deeper. Whether you are a design student, a recent design graduate or simply finding it difficult to get a design job, then go through these points and see if you've ticked all the boxes and continue with your pursuit. CONTINUE READING
So you're a student studying a design course at a private college, TAFE or University and are a little worried about how to get a job after you complete your Diploma or Degree. This is all too common and an area that you rightfully so should be concerned about. You'll spend anywhere between 1 to 4 years of your time, money and energy to your design course with the intention that not only will those investments pay itself off, but that you will make a living from a rewarding, exciting and creatively fulfilling career.
In 2010 I was invited by the Martin College Alumni to speak at the graduate show to encourage the up and coming graphic designers by sharing about my experience and give advice on preparing them for their exciting career. Here is a list of the top ten tips I delivered which proves to become increasingly powerful reminders for myself and designer acquaintances.