In 2010 I was invited by the Martin College Alumni to speak at the graduate show to encourage the up and coming graphic designers by sharing about my experience and give advice on preparing them for their exciting career. Here is a list of the top ten tips I delivered which proves to become increasingly powerful reminders for myself and designer acquaintances.
10. Place a brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.
9. Figure out what you are trying to say first, rather than how you are going to say it.
8. Use space wisely (not necessarily filling every increment of space).
7. Fall in love with TYPOGRAPHY.
6. Do not underestimate the impact of presentation. (See NYC Garbage Packaging)
5. Accept criticism as an opportunity for growth.
4. Get involved online and offline.
3. Your biggest weapons are your attitude and passion.
2. Nothing beats experience.
1. Just remember that “when you think it’s all been done before, it hasn’t been done by you”
– Louise Bannister Founder of Frankie.
By: Ram Castillo
Visuals sourced from:
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Orlando Aquije Abarca: