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Q&A on cultivating what’s important, starting a podcast, managing anxiety when public speaking and the money conversation

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Giants welcome to episode #65 — a special, first ever solo Q&A episode with yours truly to end 2018. Questions submitted by you the listeners. I’ve curated the top 8 based on the most similar questions asked, and also the ones I felt would be the most widely useful or applicable.


To help you skip to the answer most relevant to you, as I know many of you are time poor, I’ll list all the questions out below.


The eight questions I’ve answered in order are:

Q1. Any recommendations for working out what is truly important to each of us?

Q2. Would you stay in a smaller job market to keep your relationship, or venture out on your own?

Q3. Any advice for starting one’s own podcast?

Q4. What is your go-to breakfast?

Q5. I often get anxious when speaking in public. Do you have any advice for overcoming this?

Q6. The money conversation with clients always scares me. I’m scared if I charge what I really want, they’ll say no and I won’t get their business at all, but if I charge too low that becomes the expected fee moving forward. What can I do to break this cycle?

Q7. With the vast number of interviews you’ve been able to do, have you seen a common thread in responses from interviewees?

Q8. How do you manage pursuing creative or entrepreneurial goals while keeping up with personal commitments?


So they are the 8 questions I’ve attempted to answer. By all means take it with a grain of salt. It’s my two cents and subjective at the end of the day. But I do hope it’s helpful and if you’d like me to do more of these, let me know on Instagram via a DM to my handle: TheGiantThinker



Resources mentioned can be found via the links below:

Ep 59 – Blair Enns: Founder of Win Without Pitching on pricing creativity and how to best position our value.

Ep 7 – Andrew Hoyne: The definition of value, having the ‘money’ conversation and the importance of being future-focused.

Win Without Pitching

Pricing Creativity Book

Subscribe to The Giant Thinkers Podcast on iTunes.



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It’s a physical journal that gives you a positive quote, followed by three questions you answer in the morning and two questions to answer in the evening before bed.

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About Ram Castillo


Ram is an award winning Design Director, Blogger, top ranking Podcaster, Speaker, Instructor and Author of two internationally acclaimed books 'How to get a job as a designer, guaranteed' and 'How to get a mentor as a designer, guaranteed'. He's based in Sydney, Australia and in 2012, started the blog which helps thousands of design students and graduates be employed. Ram has since been featured in Communication Arts, HOW magazine, Herman Miller, deFrost*, and Apple.

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